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Thelma’s Kitchen relies on volunteer assistance to provide meals to our community and food-insecure neighbors. Partner with us today!


We've moved back into our original building! All volunteers will now show up to 3101 Troost Ave. - our original Cafe location - for their shift.

want to volunteer?


Join the team!

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How does it work?

Whether you like to prepare food, have face time with customers, or deliver lunches to partners, there are many ways you can put your skills to use. To get involved, reach out to our Community Engagement & Volunteer Manager Mike Marcus at or 816-931-4751 ext. 306. We're so glad to have you!


what do our volunteers do?

  • Our Volunteers are central to the work at Thelma's Kitchen. By contributing their time, energy and abilities, we are able to produce affordable, delicious meals to feed our neighbors. 

  • When at Thelma's, volunteers work alongside our team of professional chefs to create entrees, sides, and prepare all the box lunches we serve to our community and neighbors. 

  • Volunteers have opportunities to cook, prepare, package and deliver meals during their time at Thelma's, as well as run the cash register, bus tables, and greet customers. Every person who contributes to the work we do helps feed our community!

Who can volunteer?

  • Anyone with a good attitude and a hard working spirit is welcome.

  • Minors 16-17 can serve with a signed parent waiver.

  • We ask that all volunteers watch the orientation video, fill out an application, and the waiver. 

  • Click here for info on sponsoring lunch for the day and volunteering with your group.

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